During the week, I was speaking with some of my Year 12 English students about their upcoming assessments and the conversation soon turned to how they were managing their workloads. Whilst most of them were reasonably positive, some of them expressed feeling a little overwhelmed by their ‘to-do’ lists and about being in Year 12 in general.
From our Head of Senior School
A message from Mrs Bromley
A message from Mrs Bromley
We spoke about the helpful strategies that they have collected along the way since Year 7 and many of them used the word ‘balance’ to describe the best way of handling stressful periods of time and working through challenging tasks. One student reflected on a session at their Year 11 retreat where they explored ways of using downtime to recharge their batteries and ready themselves for the tasks ahead.
Of course, it is not just Year 12 students who have important tasks to complete, or times of stress to manage. All of our students are actively encouraged to balance out their school work with activities that keep them fit, healthy and well-rested. Sports, casual exercise (like walking the dog) and socialising with friends are amongst the most popular ways that adolescents are spending their off-screen leisure time.
The Australian government’s Department of Health recommends a limit of two hours per day of recreational screen time outside of school hours.Excessive screen time can adversely impact our teens’ physical and mental health which is why the World Health Organisation recommends these guidelines:
- At least an average of 60 minutes per day of moderate-to-vigorous intensity, mostly aerobic, physical activity, across the week.
- Incorporate vigorous-intensity aerobic activities, as well as those that strengthen muscle and bone, at least 3 days a week.
- Limit the amount of time spent being sedentary, particularly the amount of recreational screen time.
As part of our holistic education principles - and thanks to Mr Luke Adams (Head of Student Opportunities) - we offer students the opportunity to engage in a range of recreational activities during their scheduled Extra Curricular time, with the additional goal of inspiring students to take up something new outside of school.
RHAC’s High Expectations approach involves guiding students to reach their full potential - something which is enhanced by learning how to adopt a balanced approach, and an area in which our Year Advisors regularly support students during homeroom and in Year Group time.
Do keep your eye out on our social media pages below for posts sharing the wonderful extra curricular achievements of our Senior School students!
Have a great week.
From our Head of Junior School
A message from Dr Chalwell
A message from Dr Chalwell
It is a pleasure to be welcoming parents to our Learning Showcases this term. Already, parents with children in Years 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6 have joined us in classrooms, and we look forward to welcoming parents of children in Kindergarten (Thursday 14th March) and Year 2 (Monday 11th March).
As I have walked around the classrooms during the showcases it has been a joy to see parents and students learning together.
The Learning Showcases also give us a good opportunity to speak with parents about different topics in our optional parent information session in the TLC (Tiered Learning Centre). These short presentations are designed to support parents as we partner together in education. Mrs Gray has presented on using technology wisely at home and at school (Years 5 and 6) and the benefits of routines (Years 3 and 4); Mrs Vlok is presenting on literacy learning using our InitiaLit program (Kindergarten to Year 2).
Of course, the main attraction is joining your children in their classrooms. There are many things we could do in the time that parents have in the classroom, but our choice is to teach a lesson just as it is taught every day. Our hope is that you will see elements of our 5 Key Teaching and Learning Principles that are the foundation of our approach to teaching and learning at RHAC. Most visible are explicit instruction, effective feedback, high expectations and relational teaching .
Teachers clearly outline what students will be learning, provide clear explanations and models, and check for student understanding in an interactive and well-paced manner. They have high expectations of all students, planning their lessons to challenge learning and using routines to support students and create a positive and safe learning environment. Our teachers are relational, they know their students and seek to be thoughtful, kind and encouraging. Teachers provide verbal and, where appropriate, written feedback to students to help them succeed in their learning. Perhaps more hidden is our emphasis on data informed practice. It is teachers’ continuous observations and occasional more formal testing that help them to determine where they need to repeat an instruction, provide a different way to understand something, work more closely with a smaller group of students, and provide additional challenge.
For the observant parent, these principles are in action in our Learning Showcases. But you might miss them, because one of the greatest joys of joining your child or grandchild in the classroom is just being with them. It is very special to see students giving up their seats for their parents, sharing whiteboards with them, working on a learning task; basically, being part of the joy of learning.
Thank you to the parents who could come to the Learning Showcases this term. We know that it is not always easy to come to events in the middle of the day and appreciate that it is not possible for everyone. We will be having another round of Learning Showcases during Book Week (17th – 23rd August) and look forward to welcoming you again.
And finally, I don’t want to ignore that next week, Year 3 and 5 students in the Junior School will be completing their NAPLAN assessments . This annual national event helps parents, teachers, school and governments to understand how students are developing their literacy and numeracy skills. Our students have practised the protocols of these assessments and we have reassured them that NAPLAN is just a snapshot of their learning. We know far more about them that what can be measured in NAPLAN. We want our students to do their best, but not to worry.
From the Scriptures
The Gospel of John
The Gospel of John
With Easter fast approaching, we continue our Chapel series in the Gospel of John. Our big question, ‘What if it is all true?’
Back in John 13, after Jesus had washed his disciples’ feet and then predicts that Judas’ betrayal and instead of trying to stop him when he had the chance, he says to Judas “What you are about to do, do quickly.”
Now in John 18, Judas’ betrayal unfolds.
When he had finished praying, Jesus left with his disciples and crossed the Kidron Valley. On the other side there was a garden, and he and his disciples went into it.
2 Now Judas, who betrayed him, knew the place, because Jesus had often met there with his disciples. 3 So Judas came to the garden, guiding a detachment of soldiers and some officials from the chief priests and the Pharisees. They were carrying torches, lanterns and weapons.
4 Jesus, knowing all that was going to happen to him, went out and asked them, “Who is it you want?”
5 “Jesus of Nazareth,” they replied.
“I am he,” Jesus said. (And Judas the traitor was standing there with them.) 6 When Jesus said, “I am he,” they drew back and fell to the ground.
It’s worth stopping here for a moment to notice a couple of things. Firstly, Judas is leading a crowd that is made up of soldiers, officials from the chief priests and Pharisees. They are an intimidating group who were carrying weapons and they expected trouble or at least resistance. Secondly, Jesus was not what they were expecting. Jesus knows what was going to happen and asks them who is it they wanted? They answered “Jesus of Nazareth”. Jesus responds with the words “I am (he)”. The Greek words used “ego eimi” or “I am” is the shorten form of God’s name as used in Exodus “I am who I am”. At this they fell backwards. It is evident that this was not the response they were expecting.
7 Again he asked them, “Who is it you want?”
“Jesus of Nazareth,” they said.
8 Jesus answered, “I told you that I am he. If you are looking for me, then let these men go.” 9 This happened so that the words he had spoken would be fulfilled: “I have not lost one of those you gave me.
10 Then Simon Peter, who had a sword, drew it and struck the high priest’s servant, cutting off his right ear. (The servant’s name was Malchus.)
11 Jesus commanded Peter, “Put your sword away! Shall I not drink the cup the Father has given me?”
12 Then the detachment of soldiers with its commander and the Jewish officials arrested Jesus. They bound him 13 and brought him first to Annas, who was the father-in-law of Caiaphas, the high priest that year. 14 Caiaphas was the one who had advised the Jewish leaders that it would be good if one man died for the people.
Jesus does not resist the crowd but allows himself to be bound and led away. It is strange how the crowd came to take control of Jesus and yet, it is Jesus who is in control. As painful and hurtful as Judas’ betrayal is, it is his betrayal that ushers in the next stage in God’s greater plan of Grace.
As I reflect on God’s grace, the words of Joseph way back in Genesis come to mind as he himself had been betrayed.
Genesis 50:20 You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.
As Judas and the crowd intended to harm Jesus, but God had bigger plans in play and uses it for good.
Celebrating Learning
Senior School Sports News - HZSA sports
Senior School Sports News - HZSA sports
We began our Semester 1 seasons of the Hills Zone sports competition in Week 5. Below is an outline of the upcoming fixtures and as well as last week’s results.
Good luck to all our teams and coaches!
Last week's results
Junior Girls Netball
William Clarke College NAVY
Kellyville Netball Courts
WIN 23-18
Intermediate Girls Netball GOLD
William Clarke College NAVY
Kellyville Netball Courts
WIN 26-10
Intermediate Girls Netball NAVY
Northholm Grammar RED
Kellyville Netball Courts
LOSS 6-10
Senior Girls Netball
Northholm Grammar
Kellyville Netball Courts
WIN 34-2
Junior Girls Futsal GOLD
Norwest Christian College
The Centre, Dural
Junior Girls Futsal NAVY
William Clarke College GOLD
The Centre, Dural
WIN 3-2
Junior Boys Football
Pacific Hills Christian School
Pacific Hills Christian School
DRAW 1-1
Intermediate Boys Football
Senior Boys Football
Redfield College
Redfield College
Junior Boys Basketball
Hills Grammar GREEN
Hills Grammar Indoor Court
Intermediate Boys Basketball
Redfield College 1
Redfield College Court 1
LOSS 30-51
HZSA Swimming Carnival
On Monday, we took a team of 29 students to the HZSA Swimming Carnival at Sydent Olympic Park Aquatic Centre. Despite a relatively small team, our students represented the College with great pride and achieved some amazing results to help the team finish 3rd overall.
A highlight of the day was our 15-16 Years Girls relay team who swam strongly in legs 1-3 to be sitting in 4th place in the race. Year 9 student Hanna L entered the water last and with plenty of work to do, began catching those in front of her overtaking 3rd and 2nd to finish in 2nd place. Well done to Zoe W, Flynn C, Darcie P-S and Hanna .
Congratulations to Amaya D and Jessica B who earned Age Champion Runners Up in the 17- and 18-Years Girls age groups respectively.
The following students below have qualified for the AICES Swimming Carnival on the 5th April . We wish them good luck!
- Jessica B
- Hanna L
- Flynn C
- Darcie P-S
- Amaya D
- Zoe W
- Cash D
HZSA Open Boys Tennis Championship
In Week 5, we had 4 students represent the College at the Open Boys HZSA Tennis Championship. Luka R, Siddharth S, Zac A , and Aiden A took on the best players from across the association. Both Luka and Siddharth made it through to the semi final with Luka progressing to the finals, narrowly being defeated to finish as the HZSA Runner Up.
Congratulations to all 4 boys for their great sportsmanship throughout the day.
Representative Selections
Congratulations to the following students who have all been selected in representative sporting teams so far this year:
Cameron Stewart
Liam G
Maple S
Kiara F
Billy M
Connor N
Nicholas S
Timothy D
Jayden D
Grace B-B
Ana D
Violet V
Taylor W
Lily S
Hollie W
Sienna W
Miranda M
CIS Open Boys Baseball
HZSA 16s Boys Basketball
HZSA 16s Boys Basketball
HZSA 16s Girls Basketball, AICES 16s Girls Basketball
HZSA 16s Girls Basketball
HZSA 15s Boys Touch Football
HZSA 15s Boys Touch Football
HZSA 15s Boys Touch Football
HZSA 18s Boys Touch Football
HZSA 18s Boys Touch Football
HZSA 15s Girls Touch Football
HZSA 15s Girls Touch Football
HZSA 15s Girls Touch Football
HZSA 15s Girls Touch Football
HZSA 18s Girls Touch Football
HZSA 18s Girls Touch Football
HZSA 18s Girls Touch Football
CIS Softball Trial Selection
Upcoming in Week 7
- Monday 11thMarch - HZSA 15s & Open Boys Touch Training 4pm at WCC
- Tuesday 12thMarch - HZSA Open Girls Touch Training 4pm at RHAC
- Tuesday 12thMarch - CIS U15 Boys Cricket nominations due to Mr Adams (see CIS website for nomination eligibility https://www.cis.nsw.edu.au/events/227988 )
- Thursday 14thMarch - CIS 15 Boys & Girls Volleyball nominations due to Mr Adams (see CIS website for nomination eligibility https://www.cis.nsw.edu.au/events/214916 )
Junior School Sports News - HZSA afternoon sport & swimming carnival
Junior School Sports News - HZSA afternoon sport & swimming carnival
During assembly last week, the following students were announced as age champions of the College swimming carnival. The winning House was also announced. Congratulations Cuthbert!
Boys Champion
Girls Champion
8 years
9 years
10 years
11 years
12 years
Jett P.
Flynn B.
Xavier D.S.
Chase M.
Zane C.
Evie M.
Isabella D.J.
Harper P.
Brooklyn F.
Zahli P.
HZA Afternoon Sport
Last week was the first round of the HZSA Afternoon Sports competition. Congratulations to all 8 teams for winning their first games.
Round 1 Hills Zone interschool competition results
S3 Girls Netball Gold
S3 Girls Netball Navy
S3 Boys Football Gold
S3 Boys Football Navy
S2 Girls Netball Gold
S2 Girls Netball Navy
S2 Boys Football Gold
S2 Boys Football Navy
William Clarke College Navy
Arndell Anglican College Red
Marsden Park Anglican College
Arden Anglican School White
Marsden Park Anglican College
Arndell Anglican College Blue
William Clarke College Navy
Arndell Anglican College Red
WIN 18 - 9
WIN 10 - 1
WIN 6 - 0
WIN 3 -1
WIN 20 - 0
WIN 7 - 3
WIN 4 – 0
WIN 7 - 0
HZSA Swimming Carnival
On Monday, 29 students represented the College at the HZSA Swimming carnival at the Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre. It was an early start for all our swimmers but they were ready to go and filled to the brim with excitement.
RHAC finished 2nd overall , with the girls team bringing home the shield for ‘Best preformed Girls. ’ Congratulations to Zahli P (12 year girls) and Harper P (Junior Girls) who were both awarded the medal for age champion runner up.
Well done to everyone in the RHAC Swim Team!
Jessica G (Year 8) to showcase artwork in South Korea
Jessica G (Year 8) to showcase artwork in South Korea
We are excited to share that Jessica G's artwork, Heat Escape View, has been selected as part of a showcase at the Suseong-gu International Exchange City Youth Art Exhibition 2024 in South Korea. Her talent and dedication are truly commendable, and I'm sure her participation will make us all proud.
Selected artworks are currently being showcased at Blacktown Arts, and soon, they will be transported to Suseong-gu for the exhibition.
What's coming up in Junior School
Events for Weeks 7 & 8
Events for Weeks 7 & 8
For more information or to see events your child is involved in, including rep sport and extra curricular music, please check out the Calendar or Events tab on the College App (available from Apple App Store or Google Play ). Copies of permission notes can be downloaded from the event on Edumate .
Week 7
Monday, 11th March
- Y6 National Portrait Gallery Zoom Incursion
- Y2 Learning Showcase - Parents/carers invited to attend
- Rep Sports
Tuesday, 12th March
- HZSA Netball and Football Trial Day
Wednesday, 13th March
Stage 3 HZSA Afternoon Sport (select)
Thursday, 14th March
- Kindergarten Learning Showcase - Parents/carers invited to attend
Friday, 15th March
Stage 2 HZSA Afternoon Sport (select)
Week 8
Monday, 18th March
- N/A
Tuesday, 19th March
- Y4 Learning Showcase - Parents/carers invited to attend
Wednesday, 20th March
Stage 3 HZSA Afternoon Sport (select)
Thursday, 21st March
- HZSA Touch Football Gala Day
Friday, 22nd March
- K-2 Fun Run - Parents/carers invited to attend
Stage 2 HZSA Afternoon Sport (select)
What's coming up in Senior School
Events for Weeks 7 & 8
Events for Weeks 7 & 8
For more information or to see events your child is involved in, including rep sport and extra curricular music, please check out the Calendar or Events tab on the College App (available from Apple App Store or Google Play ) . Copies of permission notes can be downloaded from the event on Edumate.
Week 7
Monday, 11th March
- Y10 Visual Design reading w/ Junior School
- Rep Sports
Tuesday, 12th March
- Rep Sports
- Y11 Study Afternoon
Wednesday, 13th March
- Y9-12 Excursion - Art Express Galley NSW
- Rep Sports
Thursday, 14th March
- Y11 Investigating Science Penrith Lakes Study
Y12 VA Studio Time
- Rep Sports
Friday, 15th March
Week 8
Monday, 18th March
- Rep Sports
Tuesday, 19th March
- Y10 STEM iFly Excursion
- Y11 Hospitality Barista Training
- Rep Sports
Wednesday, 20th March
- Y9 PASS Sports Tour SCG & Allianz Stadium
- Y9 SMASHED Incursion
- Rep Sports
Thursday, 21st March
- Y12 VA Studio Time
- Rep Sports
Friday, 22nd March
- Y11 Biology Long Reef Field Trip
- Various extra curricular
Messages for Junior School
K-2 Fun Run - Friday 22 March
K-2 Fun Run - Friday 22 March
We are excited to announce our annual K-2 Fun Run will be held on Friday, 22 March at the College Ovals.
There will be two sessions:
- Year 1 and 2 - 9:30am
- Kindergarten - 10:30am
There will be a parent race at the end of each session. If you would like to join, please wait until parents are called to the start line.
Important note:
- Please do not park in the K Block carpark until 9:15am.
- If you would like to volunteer to help on the morning please email [email protected]
- Parents are welcome to bring a chair to sit on to watch the races.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Junior School Music Ensembles 2024
Junior School Music Ensembles 2024
Please find below information regarding ensemble rehearsals, timetable, audition information for Cantabile and Percussion Ensemble, ensemble fees, and Private Music Lessons.
Ensemble timetable
The ensemble timetable, as well as information on each of the ensemble, can be found by following the link below.
Please note that anyone who is participating in our instrumental ensembles (not Choir), they are expected to have private music lessons in or outside of the College.
Private Music Lessons
All Private Music lessons have commended this week and I would like to thank our students, parents and tutors, as it took a little while for our new students and tutors had to navigate their way to their first lesson. If you have signed up to have lessons, you should have been contacted by your tutor sometime this week with the lesson times. Please let Mrs Neralie Want know if you have not heard from your tutor [email protected]
Also, we are currently dealing with a large number of applications so if you have sent your applications in the last week or so, there will be some delay in our response. We apologise for this delay and will get back to you as soon as possible. Please contact Mrs Want if you have not heard back from us by the end of this week. If you would like to sign up for private music lessons, please read the information on Private Music Tuition Brochure which includes the application form.
Also, you should have received your instrument if you have applied to hire an instrument.
Again, if you have any questions or issues with this, please contact Mrs Neralie Want [email protected]
Ensemble Fees
We will be running over 20 ensembles at the College again this year. To cover some of the cost of hiring external conductors, accompanists, new music, performance events and other related costs, students will be subject to ensemble fees. The fees will be added to the school account and will be charged twice per year. This will occur at the end of Term 1 and end of Term 2.
It is important to note that the fee structure is set at $75.00 per student per semester, equating to $37.50 per term. This fixed rate remains consistent irrespective of the number of ensembles a student chooses to participate in. Our intention behind this approach is to encourage students to engage in multiple ensembles.
For families that have more than one child participating in ensembles, the sibling discount will apply for second child and any subsequent children, at a rate of $50.00 per child, per semester ($25.00 per term).
These charges apply to all students participating in instrumental and vocal ensembles, with the exception of the Stage 1 Choir.
Thank you and I look forward to a wonderful year of music making with your children this year.
Messages for Senior School
Vaccination Program - Year 7 or Year 10
Vaccination Program - Year 7 or Year 10
If your child is in Year 7 or Year 10 this year, you can now provide online consent for their routine school vaccinations.
In Year 7, students are offered free vaccines for diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (dTpa) and human papillomavirus (HPV).
In Year 10, students are offered the meningococcal ACWY vaccine.
Vaccination will only be provided at school if consent has been received. Please click on the links below for more information.
Vaccination dates:
- Monday, 19th February – Year 7
- Monday, 4th March – Year 10
- Tuesday, 9th April – Year 7 and 10 Vaccination catch-up (only for students who missed out)
Term 1 2024 Faculty Support Sessions - Maths, VA, HSIE
Term 1 2024 Faculty Support Sessions - Maths, VA, HSIE
Do you want to improve your child' s results and their understanding of their coursework? If so, this is a great opportunity to receive guided advice and support.
Faculties in the Senior School conduct weekly opt-in study and support sessions for students to attend as they require.
Students are strongly encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity to access subject teachers and support and assistance for work or assessments that are currently completing. Students do not need to book a place but should arrive to the listed rooms at the times included in the below grid.
Senior School Representative Sports Calendar – Semester 1 2024
Senior School Representative Sports Calendar – Semester 1 2024
This calendar outlines the nomination (Nom), trial and competition dates for the RHAC Senior School representative sporting pathways (HZSA > AICES > CIS > NSW All Schools > SSA) .
As this is a representative pathway, students who nominate to trial for these teams should have extensive playing experience and in the case of AICES and CIS trials, students be playing in a representative team outside of school at an association or state level. Some sports, such as cricket, require students to be involved in certain representative teams or academies in order for nominations to be accepted. If this is the case, further information will be emailed to students by the Head of Student Opportunities.
Please download the Senior School Representative Sports Calendar – Semester 1 2024 below.
Please email [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns.
Senior School Music Ensembles 2024
Senior School Music Ensembles 2024
Please find below information on music ensembles, ensemble fees, and Private Music Lessons.
If you are currently learning an instrument or like to sing, it is not too late for you to join an ensemble. P lease email Mr Tyler Barnes [email protected]
Please see the Ensemble timetable below for the rehearsal times, as well as information on each of the ensembles that are offered at the College.
Private Music Lessons
All Private Music lessons have now commenced. If you have signed up to have lessons but have not started your lessons, please let Mrs Neralie Want know [email protected]
We are currently dealing with a large number of applications so if you have sent your applications in in the last week or so, there will be some delay in our response. We apologise for this delay and will get back to you as soon as possible. Please contact Mrs Want if you do not hear back from us by the end of this week.
If you would like to sign up for private music lessons, please read the information on Private Music Tuition Brochure which includes the application form.
Also, if you have signed up for Instrumental Hire, you should have received your instrument on your first private lesson or at your first ensemble rehearsal. Again, if you have any questions or issues with this, please contact Mrs Neralie Want [email protected]
Ensemble Fees
We will be running over 20 ensembles at the College again this year. To cover some of the cost of hiring external conductors, accompanists, new music, performance events and other related costs, students will be subject to ensemble fees. The fees will be added to the school account and will be charged twice per year. This will occur at the end of Term 1 and end of Term 2.
It is important to note that the fee structure is set at $75.00 per student per semester, equating to $37.50 per term. This fixed rate remains consistent irrespective of the number of ensembles a student chooses to participate in. Our intention behind this approach is to encourage students to engage in multiple ensembles.
For families that have more than one child participating in ensembles, the sibling discount will apply for second child and any subsequent children, at a rate of $50.00 per child, per semester ($25.00 per term).
These charges apply to all students participating in instrumental and vocal ensembles (with the exception of the Stage 1 Choir in the Junior School).
Thank you and I look forward to a wonderful year of music making with your children this year.
College News
Parent/Teacher Interviews - 25th & 27th March
Parent/Teacher Interviews - 25th & 27th March
An email has gone out to all parents/carers today regarding the upcoming Parent/Teacher Interview.
Important information: The booking system will not open until 11:00am on Monday, 11th March. When you click on the booking link, there will be a message that will appear.
A reminder to all families that there will be no formal classes for students on Wednesday 27 March - this is to be treated as a pupil free day.
- Monday, 25 March – Parent/Teacher evening for Senior School (Years 7-12) parents.
- Wednesday, 27 March – Parent/Teacher day and evening. This is a full day of meetings, which will stretch into the evening. All students (Pre-K to Year 12) will not come to school on this day.
Junior School students should not attend interviews with their parents/carers and it is kindly requested that you arrange supervision for your child/ren whilst you are attending your interview.
Senior School students, as part of the conversations, will be asked to provide an overview of their progress and the plans for the remainder of the course. As such, it is expected that students will be in attendance with their parents/carers for the interviews.
College Shop stock updates & Easter trading hours
College Shop stock updates & Easter trading hours
Stock update: Senior School track jackets and pants are now in stock. All sizes available for Senior School girls blazers.
We would like to confirm Easter trading hours change for the week prior to Easter.
- Wednesday, 27 March (Parent/Teacher Interview Day) - 8:00am - 5:00pm
- Thursday, 28 March - Closed.
- Tuesday, 2 April - College Shop reopens 8:00am-12:00pm
News from the P&F - Junior School Disco, AGM & Gathering
News from the P&F - Junior School Disco, AGM & Gathering
Thank you to all families that had children attend the Junior School disco last Friday. This was a huge success with just short of 600 children from Junior School attending. We trialled a new format this term, which seemed to be well received.
Thank you to the parents that joined in and mingled throughout the event and joined the BBQ. We’re thankful for the 40+ parents that volunteered their time to help make the disco happen!
Annual General Meeting and Gathering - Wednesday 20th March 2024
The P&F exists to foster community, connection and contribution amongst College families, and the broader College community. We exist to generate a sense of community involvement amongst the College and to contribute back to the College through social activities, community events and fundraisers.
This is a big year for the P&F with our bi-annual Spring Fair held in September. As the saying goes: many hands make light work. If you’ve been considering how you can get involved, this is your opportunity. All parents/carers are welcome to attend, regardless of your involvement in the committee.
- Date: Wednesday, 20th March
- Location: Tiered Learning Centre (TLC)
- Time: Arrive from 6:30pm for 7:00pm start
The TLC is located in between the Main College Reception (Clock Tower) and the Auditorium. Arrive from 6:30pm where snacks and refreshments will be provided whilst you get to know each other – meeting commences 7:00pm.
Nominations for the Executive Committee & P&F Volunteers are open now
There are two ways you can get involved in the P&F Association, depending on your ability and commitment to support.
Read below for different ways to get involved.
Member of the Executive Committee
- You are an active member of the P&F Executive Committee.
- You meet monthly with fellow Committee Members.
- You play an active role in helping to shape P&F activities, functions, social gatherings, etc.
- You are committed to attend meetings and be available and able to support with key events.
- You can Chair or be involved in sub-committees, fundraising activities, etc.
Member of the P&F Volunteer Group
- You are able to support as part of key events or initiatives ad-hoc.
- You are able to opt-in and opt-out of what you are and are not involved with, based on your availability.
- You have a commitment to community and connection with other families around the College.
- You can be involved in sub-committees and key working groups chaired by a member of the Executive.
What the P&F is NOT
- The P&F is not a function to voice concerns or issues about the College.
- It is not an appropriate forum to create change of curriculum or education.
We look forward to seeing you at the AGM.
Matt Perry
President – RHAC P&F Association
[email protected]
Join the RHAC-CocaCola Hills Relay for Life Team
Join the RHAC-CocaCola Hills Relay for Life Team
You may have noticed a name change. We are very excited to be partnering this year with our friends at Coca Cola with fundraising, team membership and community engagement, so look out for some red in the yellow/purple mix.
A close and long time friend of mine is walking the cancer journey. In non-Relay related conversation recently, he shared that as a result of fundraising by Cancer Council NSW, he has been offered a new trial drug that he and his family hope will change the direction in which he presently travels. Trials such as this are not possible without your support, donations and sponsorship. You really do make a difference .
Your invitation to the Hills Relay for Life Masquerade Gala Ball
The Hills Relay Organising Committee are hosting a Gala Ball on Saturday, 13th April. Tickets range from $150.00 each to $1,500.00 for a table of 10. Bookings close at 11:59pm on Sunday, 31st March.
If you wish to reserve a table or tickets, please click on the link below.
Please Note: “The website charges a % fee to all credit card transactions. Therefore, we want to ensure the full ticket prices are donated to the Cancer Council. If you have a concern about paying via Credit Card, please let us know and we can send you the Bank account details to pay by EFT.”
Bookings will close at 11:59 pm on Sunday 31st March, 2024.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact [email protected] or click on the link below.
Join the Hills Relay RHAC-Coca Cola team. We need your support.
Unlike other fundraisers, all proceeds raised for the Hills Relay for Life go directly to programs run by Cancer Council NSW in services for patients, carers and families of those affected by cancer. This includes transport services, counselling, treatment support and, in some cases financial support.
What a great way to serve the community, and to have a lot of fun in the process. For those who have not yet had the privilege of participating in a Relay, there is no need to be on site for the whole 24 hour period, or any need to actually run. The aim is to raise money and to support our community. There will be entertainment throughout the whole event, food stalls, activities and an opportunity to camp overnight if you are so inclined. If you are a survivor or carer, we particularly like to acknowledge you and your achievements with a dedicated first lap of the day and morning tea. Please join us.
The battle against cancer is a cause of immense significance, and this event plays a pivotal role in raising crucial funds to support the Cancer Council in its mission to fund research, offer patient support, and provide carer information, and counselling services, among other essential initiatives. In 2023, our dedicated Hills community contributed over $300,000 to this important cause.
We are looking forward to welcoming new team members showing supporting for our friends and family. This year we are going in harder and finishing stronger!
Stay tuned for our updates.
- Registered RHAC-Coca Cola Community Team members: 20
- Fundraising Goal: $16,000
- Total Funds Raised: $549.03
- Fundraising Team Member of the Week: Ailz
Important Links & Resources
Parent and Carer Handbook
Parent and Carer Handbook
The new RHAC Parent and Carer Handbook (link below) is designed to provide families with information about the daily operation of the school including:
- RHAC’s vision, values and approach to learning
- uniform and stationery requirements
- lost property
- a map of the College
- managing student absences
- student illness and well-being (e.g. caring for students who are sick at school, school counselling and reporting student success)
- extra-curricular opportunities
- technology
- communication - flowcharts are provided to assist parents in knowing who to contact, an explanation on how to make a complaint
- parent involvement and the work of the RHAC P&F
- policies and procedures
College Shop - Trading Hours, Uniform Fittings, Online Shop
College Shop - Trading Hours, Uniform Fittings, Online Shop
College Shop Hours (eff. 26/10/23)
Uniform fittings are by appointment only. Over-the-counter sales are available throughout.
For holiday hours (eg. term holidays, Easter, Christmas/New Year), please check for notices under College News of the newsletter.
2024 Trading Hours
Normal trading hours resume week commencing 05/02.
- Monday – Wednesday: 8:00am - 12:00pm
- Thursday – 12:30pm - 5:30pm
- Friday: CLOSED
College Shop Contact Details
[email protected]
8814 3518
The RHAC Parents & Friends Association (P&F) is dedicated to fostering community, connection, and contribution. As a non-profit organisation, our mission is to enhance the lives of families and children within the College. All funds raised go directly to benefit our community. We invite parents to actively participate – reach out if you are interested in joining the P&F.
This year, we're excited to announce the Spring Fair in September , a major fundraising event in the 2024 calendar. We welcome your support in planning and participating throughout the year as many hands make light work. Businesses interested in sponsorship or supplying goods or services are encouraged to reach out.
Family Support Meals
From time to time, fellow families at the College are hit by unforeseen stresses (physical, emotional, financial, etc.). The RHAC P&F, through your support, facilitates a way for those families to access quality meals in their time of need to simply ease a bit of the pain during difficult times.
You can help by donating a store-bought meal, or by donating as little as $10 by clicking the link below which would be greatly appreciated. If you can provide a store-bought meal for the freezer, slices / banana breads / muffins (lunch box fillers) and desserts are also most welcome and may be dropped off with Mrs Sharon D’Agostino at the College main reception.
Get Involved
To get involved in the P&F, contact us at the email below.
Warm regards,
Matt Perry
President – RHAC P&F Association
[email protected]
Senior School building development updates
Senior School building development updates
We will continue to provide monthly updates and progress photos on our website. You can also view the masterplan and general project information.
We invite you to watch a timelapse video (June 2023 to January 2024) on our website via the link below.
Community News
Work with us - Apply now
Work with us - Apply now
RHAC invites qualified staff for both teaching and non teaching roles to apply for the advertised vacancies. Please visit our website for more information.
Teachers interested in working to temporarily replace teachers who are absent are very welcome to discuss this possibility with the Head of Operations, Mrs Sharon Hogan by sending an email to [email protected]
Applications forms can be found on our website .