As Term 3 draws to a close, we have much to celebrate. I have enjoyed dropping into classrooms over the last 9 weeks to see teachers explain concepts clearly and watch students engage positively with challenging learning tasks. The Year 6 learning showcase on Tuesday was impressive. Several students shared with me what they had learnt in their science project and were rightly proud of the displays they created.
I was equally impressed by the recent Junior School public speaking competition . I had the difficult challenge of judging the finals. Every student who competed spoke engagingly and persuasively. Many spoke without notes and provided a great deal of specific information.
Our Year 12 students and their teachers have worked very hard over the last two years. I look forward to warmly recognising our graduating students at a special Valedictory assembly at the end of next week. I trust that our graduates will look back with fondness on their time at RHAC and that the College vision has been a reality for them.