According to The Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) collaboration “creates a community working to achieve a common goal through the sharing of practice, knowledge and problems”. Collaboration helps to create a group who are working together with a common purpose. It is like the body metaphor in the Bible, where every part of the body is important and valued - “If they were all one part, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts, yet one body” ( 1 Corinthians 12:19-20 ).
In this Issue
- Newsletter community advertising
- [AD] Belmadar
- [AD] RHAC P&F Association - 2 free tickets to Shrek
- [AD] Northwest Physiotherapy
- [AD] OzDesign Rouse Hill - up to 80% Off
- [AD] Green Geotechnics
- [AD] Elegant Floors Australia Pty Ltd
- [AD] Sypher Space
- [AD] Grasshopper Soccer Sydney Hills - Special Offer for RHAC families!
- [AD] TKM Automotive Services Pty Ltd
- [AD] Mathnasium Rouse Hill - Special offer, $100 off your first month
From our Heads of Junior & Senior School
The benefits of connection and collaboration in a P-12 school
The benefits of connection and collaboration in a P-12 school
Effective collaboration helps to create a culture of professional sharing, dialogue, critique and feedback. In both the Junior School and Senior School, teachers collaborate both formally and informally. Our professional learning provides opportunities for teachers to work with teachers they don’t always spend time with, for teachers to observe and be observed to develop their practice, to share successes and challenges, and to share expertise.
In ensuring that our five Teaching and Learning Principles are evident in our daily practices, time for the whole staff to learn, plan and connect is integrated into our Professional Learning program throughout the year. As you may know from previous articles, our teachers are engaging in research groups as part of their own learning projects for 2024, sharing their knowledge and skills with their colleagues to enhance student outcomes.
Collaboration is embedded in the Junior School where classroom teachers meet weekly for Collaborative Planning Time. There is also informal collaboration as teachers talk over lunch about students, their teaching practice and the content they are teaching. In the Senior School this takes place in both Faculty meetings and Year Team meetings, which occur on alternate weeks. Collaboration also happens during our Extracurricular time each fortnight, when teachers from different parts of the Senior School share in planning and organising to lead students in a range of activities.
Providing collaborative opportunities for teachers helps to create a community that is connected and supported. It is a body where each body part brings something of value to the whole body. To further enhance this collaboration and connection, teachers look for ways to connect Junior School and Senior School students. This is one of the joys of being part of a P-12 school.
A few examples of this collaboration and connection are:
- Kindergarten and Year 12 - Over the past few terms, a group of Year 12 students have been spending time with Kindergarten students during their extracurricular activities. They have read to them, helped with organisational tasks and helped them into their cars at the end of the day. The Kindergarten students are currently praying for Year 12 as they prepare for their HSC and organising a special pack for them. At the end of the term, Kindergarten will be part of the Year 12 Graduation assembly.
- Kindergarten and Year 9 - Year 9 Child Studies students have joined Kindergarten as part of their learning program.
- The Shrek Jr musical - which is only a few weeks away - is another great example of collaboration at RHAC. Teachers from the Junior and Senior School are helping to create a wonderful production. In addition, Junior and Senior School students are working together as part of the Tech Crew.
- Book Week - next week during all of the Book Week events our Year 9 Drama students have prepared, and will perform, plays based on award winning picture books for Stage 1 students.
- Sports carnivals - we are fortunate to have student leaders from the Junior and Senior Schools who help to run our carnivals, as well as sharing staff across the College at these events.
In a different part of the Bible, we are reminded that “Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labour: If either falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up” ( Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 ). May all students and staff know that there is someone there to walk with them throughout their school life.
Have a wonderful week,
Mrs Leisa Bromley and Dr Kaye Chalwell
From the Scriptures
We often worry because of uncertainty. But did you know, this was not always the case?
We often worry because of uncertainty. But did you know, this was not always the case?
Over the years, there are many things that have changed in my lifetime, but one thing that has not, is that no matter how young or old we are, we all have our worries, insecurities or weaknesses that we don’t like admitting to. For example, for some of us when we were young, we worried about what others thought about us or if anyone could love us. As we got older, we worried more about what our bosses thought about us or whether we are good parents, or how we look etc.
We often worry because of uncertainty. But did you know this was not always the case?
Genesis 1:26 Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”
So God created mankind in his own image,
in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them.
28 God blessed them
31 And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.
In his wisdom, God created us in his own image and he created us as spiritual beings. As spiritual beings made in God’s image, our spirit is connected to both our physical body and to God. We were created for a life that is spiritually connected to God, that gave us direct access to God, given us purpose to our lives and meant we were safe and secure in our relationships with God and one another.
So, what went wrong? In Genesis 2:16-17 God commanded Adam that they could eat of any tree in the garden except from the Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil. In Genesis 3 they had a choice when confronted by the temptation of the tree, to eat or not to eat, to obey or disobey, to choose God’s way or their own way. They chose to do good in their own eyes rather than to do what God said was good.
To choose other than God’s way is sin.
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. ( Romans 6:23 )
What went wrong? Sin = Broken spiritual connection to God. The condition humankind finds itself in is that we are therefore born physically alive but spiritually dead. ( Ephesians 2:8-9 )
8 For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, 9 not a result of works, so that no one may boast.
The good news, God has not abandoned us . Romans 5:8 God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
The good news is that it is not up to us to fix the problem - we can’t fix the problem. Only God can reconnect us spiritually. That reconnection is not based on what we do (we will always fall short), rather, it is totally based on what God has done through the death and resurrection of Jesus. Jesus’ death and resurrection is a game changer; it changes everything including how we are seen by God.
If we accept Jesus, as Lord and Saviour of our life, we are:
- alive in Christ (I am in Christ),
- Justified in Christ (I am Justified)
- adopted in Christ (I am Adopted)
- Secure in Christ (I am Secure)
To be secure in Christ means that we are willing to turn to Him and trust Him alone. We give total control of our life to Jesus. Only Jesus Christ can bring about healing and spiritual reconnection with God.
If you put your trust in Christ alone, God will not turn his back on you. You are secure, God is our rock and our salvation. We no longer fear separation from Christ, or fear God’s judgement or fear death.
The Apostle Paul writes these words
38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Life will always bring its worries and problems, but to put our trust in Jesus and not in ourselves provides solid ground in which we can stand and face them. The Apostle Paul encourages believers
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Just as Adam and Eve had a choice, to eat or not to eat, to obey or disobey, to choose God’s way or their own way, God offers us a choice, to accept his gift (eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord) reconnecting with Him spiritually or to continue to choose our own path to follow.
In the words of Psalm 34:8 , may I invite you to:
Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good!
Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!
Celebrating Learning
Remarkable performance at prestigious HICES Music Festival and Jazz Academy
Remarkable performance at prestigious HICES Music Festival and Jazz Academy
This week, a group of dedicated Senior School music students participated in the prestigious HICES Music Festival and Jazz Academy . This event brought together over 300 students from various independent, co-educational schools across NSW for four days of collaborative music-making.
Our students successfully auditioned for the Festival and were selected to represent to College in the following ensembles:
- Concert Band – Ethan L
- Symphonic Winds – Jesse C, Samuel E, Hridaya G, Charlotte J, Evan J, Nicholas M, Aaron M, Grace R, Will R
- Male Vocal Ensemble – Jazz E
- Vocal Ensemble – Charlotte H
- String Orchestra – Sophie C, Livia F, Theodore K, Zachary Y
- Jazz Academy – Samuel J, Lynn J, Joyce Z
From Sunday to Tuesday, our students engaged in an intensive rehearsal schedule with their respective music ensembles at The Tops Conference Centre. Their commitment to rehearsals and learning the challenging repertoire chosen by their conductors was commendable. They also enjoyed building relationships with like-minded musicians from other schools.
On Wednesday, the students in Jazz Academy engaged in workshops with professional Sydney jazz musicians James Greening and Matt Keegan before putting on an impressive performance at The Foundry 616.
Our students in the other HICES ensembles then presented a remarkable performance at the Sydney Town Hall, showcasing a diverse range of musical works. The final item in the concert featured a combined choir and orchestra involving all HICES Music Festival students and staff singing ‘This is Our World’ by renowned Australian composer Paul Jarman who conducted the item himself.
Participating in the HICES Music Festival was a transformative and inspiring experience for our students. They developed their musical and collaborative skills while also creating lifelong memories through sharing their love of music with fellow young musicians. We are immensely proud of their achievements and the way they represented the College.
Next year, the HICES Music Festival will be open to students in Years 7-12. More information to come in early 2025.
(Photos: Mr Tyler Barnes. Follow the official HICES Music Festival page for official photos soon)
Junior School sports & results
Junior School sports & results
In this week's Junior School sports: NFL Gala Day, NSWPSSA Touch Football Championships, CIS Boys Softball Team , and Round 1 HZSA interschool competition results .
Check out our outstanding results and photos of our champions!
NFL Flag Gala Day
Last Friday, 10 students from Year 5 and 6 competed in our first ever NFL Flag Gala Day at Parramatta. The students were nervous playing their first game as they were still learning some of the rules as the game started. The students did a fantastic job and developed each game.
They won 3 and drew 1 of their round games, sending them to the semi-finals. We started off slowly but worked our way back in front, only to be knocked out of the final by one point with only seconds to go. The team then went on to play off for 3rd place against Arndell.
It was a great game to finish the day with, as they won 26-23. The team worked really well together and stayed a tight unit. It was great to see different students shine in different parts of the game, being a vital part to the success they shared. We are already looking forward to next year.
NSWPSSA Touch Football Championships
Last week, Flynn I and Hudson C represent CIS in at the NSWPSSA Touch Football Championships in Wollongong. The boys played 12 games across 3 days, winning 8 of their games.
Well done boys, what an amazing achievement to represent CIS!
CIS Boys Softball Team
Congratulations to Archer C in Year 6 who was selected into the CIS boys softball team last week. Archer will represent CIS at the NSWPSSA Boys Softball Tournament in Penrith later this month.
We wish you the best of luck!
Round 1 Hills Zone interschool competition results
Shrek the Musical JR - 2 weeks to go. Limited seats available, colouring competition & behind the scenes
Shrek the Musical JR - 2 weeks to go. Limited seats available, colouring competition & behind the scenes
With only 2 weeks to go until opening night (
Thursday, 29th August)
, students and staff are working tirelessly to prepare for an amazing production of Shrek the Musical Jr.
You will not want to miss this one - the talent, hard work and energy on the stage and behind the scenes is immeasurable and it would be so special if we could SELL OUT all the seats to show our support to these incredible Junior School students!
I would love to encourage Senior School students and families to buy a ticket and support their younger peers, and please extend the invitation out to friends and family outside of the college community.
Colouring Competition (K-6)
Entries close 29th August
- What: Students in K-6 have been invited to participate in a colouring in competition to support Shrek Jr.
- How to partake: Students need to bring in $1 to receive the colouring entry. Kindergarten students bring their money to Ms Govender, Year 1-6 students can collect their entry from Junior School Administration (Mrs Gungor).
- How to enter: Complete the colouring sheet at home and bring back to their class teacher once complete.
- When: Entries close Thursday 29th August (ready to be displayed on opening night)
- Prize: $5 canteen voucher for the winner of each grade.
Ticket Sales
Official Sponsors
We would like to thank our official sponsors for their generosity and for supporting our students, staff and community. Please support their business when you are out and about and help spread the word.
Click on the images below to find out more, or head over to our 'Community News' section for details and to download more information.
What's coming up in Junior School
Events for Weeks 5 & 6
Events for Weeks 5 & 6
Information is current at the time of publishing.
For more information or to see events your child is involved in, including rep sport and extra curricular music, please check out the Calendar or Events tab on the College App (available from Apple App Store or Google Play ). Copies of permission notes can be downloaded from the event on Edumate .
Week 5
Monday, 19th August
- Book Week & Book Shop - refer to JS Library News
- Y1/Y5 Learning Showcase - families welcome
- Free online safety education session for parents/carers
Tuesday, 20th August
- Book Week & Book Shop - refer to JS Library News
Y6 Learning Showcase - families welcome
Wednesday, 21st August
- Book Week & Book Shop - refer to JS Library News
Y2/Y4 Learning Showcase - families welcome
Stage 3 HZSA Afternoon Sport (Sem 2)
Thursday, 22nd August
Book Week & Book Shop - refer to JS Library News
- Y5/Y6 Gateway 8 Competition
Friday, 23rd August
Book Week & Book Shop - refer to JS Library News
Y3 Learning Showcase - families welcome
- Y12 & Kindergarten meet-up
Stage 2 HZSA Afternoon Sport (Sem 2)
Week 6
Monday, 26th August
- HZSA Athletics Carnival
Tuesday, 27th August
P&F Father's Day Stall (K-6) - Refer to P&F news.
Wednesday, 28th August
Stage 3 HZSA Afternoon Sport (Sem 2)
Thursday, 29th August
- Shrek JR opening night
Friday, 30th August
- Shrek JR - evening session
- P&F Father's Day Breakfast - All College welcome. Refer to P&F news.
- Jersey Day - All College. Refer to College news for details.
Stage 2 HZSA Afternoon Sport (Sem 2)
Saturday, 31st August
- Shrek JR - matinee & evening performance
What's coming up in Senior School
Events for Weeks 5 & 6
Events for Weeks 5 & 6
Information is current at the time of publishing.
For more information or to see events your child is involved in, including rep sport and extra curricular music, please check out the Calendar or Events tab on the College App (available from Apple App Store or Google Play ) . Copies of permission notes can be downloaded from the event on Edumate.
Week 5
Monday, 19th August
- HICES Music Camp
- Rep Sports
Tuesday, 20th August
HICES Music Camp
Y11 Study Afternoon
- Rep Sports
Wednesday, 21st August
- Y9/Y10 Gateway 8 Competition
Y12 Study Afternoon
- Rep Sports
Thursday, 22nd August
- Y10 BStreet Smart - Smarter Safer Drivers
- HSC Showcase Evening - TAS, Music, Drama, VA, D&T, Textiles, Industrial Technology
- Rep Sports
Friday, 23rd August
- Y7/Y8 Gateway 8 Competition
- Y12 & Kindergarten meet-up
Week 6
Monday, 26th August
- Y12 HSC Music Showcase
- Rep Sports
Tuesday, 27th August
Y11 Study Afternoon
- Rep Sports
Wednesday, 28th August
Y12 Study Afternoon
- Rep Sports
Thursday, 29th August
- Y12 Music Excursion
- Rep Sports
Shrek JR opening night
Friday, 30th August
- Y11 PDHPE Senior First Aide Course
- Various extra curricular
- P&F Father's Day Breakfast - All College welcome. Refer to P&F news.
- Jersey Day - All College. Refer to College news for details.
Shrek JR - evening session
Saturday, 31st August
- Shrek JR - matinee & evening performance
Messages for Junior School
Library News - Book Week, Book Shop and CBCA Awards
Library News - Book Week, Book Shop and CBCA Awards
Book Week is almost here!
“Guess That Teacher” competition is making a reappearance, this time with a focus on Shrek. Faces will be displayed outside the H Block Library doors next week along with the entry form. Students, parents and teachers are encouraged to have a go at guessing the teacher behind the mask. There is no fee for this activity, a small prize will be awarded for person who identifies the most correct faces.
Updated Book Shop information
All students will be visiting the Book Shop during their library lesson this coming week, and we would like to request book purchases be made during this lesson where possible. This will reduce the amount of people visiting the space after the Learning Showcases. We recommend sending Book Shop money to school in a zip lock bag or envelope labelled with your child's name and class.
Due to space in the Book Shop, we will need to limit the amount of people entering to ensure smooth running and safety for all.
- We will also be open before and after school for parents to visit with their children from 8:20am - 8:50am and after school from 3:20pm - 3:50pm.
- There will be no stationery, craft/science kits, novelty items, posters, etc
- The sale is strictly books, curated for our school by our book supplier and are of high quality and interest based
- Prices start from $10.00 and range to approx. $30.00
- Card and cash payments will be accepted
Location: Drama room next to the TLC (F Block) ( click here for map )
Monday-Wednesday: Pre-K and all Kindergarten classes will have a separate little shop experience in K Block during their Library Lesson time on Tuesday. They will be assisted by their teachers.
Thursday-Friday: Pre K students will have the opportunity to shop during lesson time on Thursday. They will be assisted by their teachers.
We have an option for families to purchase a book to donate to our school library. A dedication plate will be placed in each donated book with the family or student name and year of donation
Students will need to bring their library bag or shopping bag, no bags will be provided for purchases
Please follow the signage around the campus:
CBCA Awards
This week in Library lessons, we finalised our Shadow Judging project for the CBCA Book of the Year Awards .
Students have been reading and judging and based on criteria, the six finalist books in three of the categories;
- Picture Book - picture books for 0-18 year olds
- Early Readers - picture books for 0-6 year olds
- Younger Readers - novels for 7-12 year olds
It has been an exciting and very rewarding program which the students have enjoyed and been challenged by the idea of judging based on criteria as opposed to personal choice. The official awards will be announced during Book Week, but we can announce our RHACwWinners today.
- Picture Book of the Year - Every Night at Midnight by Peter Cheong
- Early Readers Book of the Year - Concrete Garden by Bob Graham
- Younger Readers - Huda was Here by H. Hayek
Stay tuned in next week's newsletter to hear from some of our students on their thoughts about the experience and these wonderful books.
Book returns
We have a small number of books that are now quite overdue from holiday borrowing. Could you please check at home and send any books back as soon as possible.
Thank you.
Parent/Carer attendance is encouraged - FREE online safety education session, Tuesday 20 August
Parent/Carer attendance is encouraged - FREE online safety education session, Tuesday 20 August
We are pleased to welcome the Youth Liaison Officer from Riverstone Police to present to our parent community. This seminar is designed to inform parents of the challenges facing many local families with navigating the digital world and to explore strategies for supporting children to do this safely. Involvement from parents in the online life of their children is important for their safety and development, particularly in this formative time of pre-adolescence. This seminar is being held onsite, for parents to attend in person. There will be no opportunity for parents to participate via livestream/online.
Please note new date and time below.
Event details:
- Tuesday, 20th August
- 10:00am - 11:00am
- TLC (F Block)
The session will cover:
- Social media and online harms
- Gaming and screen time
- How to set up a cyber safe home
Providing positive, strategy-rich, and practical content that helps parents ignite conversations with their children about the online world, this session also shares the tools parents need to guide and support them.
Term 3 letter & calendar (updated 16 Aug)
Term 3 letter & calendar (updated 16 Aug)
A reminder to please check the Term 3 event calendar which was sent to families last term, along with class/grade term letters.
Please click/download the calendar below for reference. Dates correct at the time of publishing - any changes will be communicated promptly to families.
Messages for Senior School
Year 12 2024 End of Year Program
Year 12 2024 End of Year Program
An information letter regarding Year 12 2024 End of Year Program was distributed to parents/carers on Monday, 5th August.
We will be sending more specific details to students, parents/carers about each event in coming weeks. Any unexpected changes will be communicated to you promptly.
Please note the payment component for the Fun Day (26th September) and Valedictory Dinner (27th September) is
due on Friday, 6th September
via Humanitix. Click on the link in the information letter.
If you have any questions or concerns in the interim, please contact the College on (02) 8824 5844.
Senior School Representative Sports Calendar & Nomination Guidelines – Term 3, 2024
Senior School Representative Sports Calendar & Nomination Guidelines – Term 3, 2024
This calendar outlines the nomination (Nom), trial and competition dates for the RHAC Senior School representative sporting pathways (HZSA > AICES > CIS > NSW All Schools > SSA).
As this is a representative pathway, students who nominate to trial for these teams should have extensive playing experience and in the case of AICES and CIS trials, students be playing in a representative team outside of school at an association or state level. Some sports, such as cricket, require students to be involved in certain representative teams or academies in order for nominations to be accepted. If this is the case, further information will be emailed to students by the Head of Student Opportunities.
Please download the Senior School Representative Sports Calendar –Term 3, 2024 below.
Nomination Guidelines
Students MUST email all nominations (Noms) to the Head of Student Opportunities ( [email protected] ) AT LEAST 3 days before the nomination date. Late nominations will not be accepted. Students who do not nominate will be turned away from any trial they attend.
Nominations need to include the following information:
- Name
- Event
- Date of birth
- Year Group
- Parents email
- Playing positions (1st and 2nd preference)
- Playing/representative experience
Once the nomination has been completed and accepted, further information about the trial will be sent to students and their nominated parent email address.
If you have any questions about representative sport or would like some more information about a team or trial, please see Mr. Adams at his office or email him. Additional information can also be found on each association’s website.
- Hills Zone Sports Association (HZSA):
- Association of Independent Co-Educational Schools (AICES):
- Combined Independent Schools (CIS):
Faculty Support Sessions - Term 3
Faculty Support Sessions - Term 3
Do you want to improve your child' s results and their understanding of their coursework? If so, this is a great opportunity to receive guided advice and support.
Faculties in the Senior School conduct weekly opt-in study and support sessions for students to attend as they require.
Students are strongly encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity to access subject teachers and support and assistance for work or assessments that are currently completing. Students do not need to book a place but should arrive to the listed rooms at the times included in the below grid.
College News
P&F Father's Day Stall & Breakfast - Limited tickets available
P&F Father's Day Stall & Breakfast - Limited tickets available
Father's Day Breakfast - Friday, 30th August
Our annual Father’s Day Breakfast will be held on Friday, 30th August. We’ll enjoy a freshly cooked BBQ breakfast and have the opportunity to spend time with the Dads, Grandads and special friends of RHAC before school.
Please secure your tickets early as spaces are limited.
- This year’s event will be held in the C/D courtyard (behind the Gate 1 clock tower). Follow the signs upon arrival.
- Limited onsite and street parking available.
- Breakfast is from 7:15am - 8:30am.
- Tickets $12.00 for adults, $10.00 for children.
Father's Day Stall - Tuesday, 27th August
We will be holding our annual Father’s Day Stall for Years K-6 where students are able to purchase gifts for their Dads, Grandads and special friends. This year, the stall will be held earlier in the week.
Gifts will range from $3.00 - $12.00 and children are able to purchase up to three (3) gifts at the stall. Children will be shown the gifts in their classrooms prior to visiting the stall so they can prepare and have time to discuss with siblings at home to avoid duplication. They will have the opportunity to visit the stall, select gifts and pay for them on the day.
If you wish your child to participate, please send them prepared on Tuesday with:
- No more than $25.00 cash in a snap lock bag or wallet;
- A reusable shopping bag for them to put their gifts in to safely transport home;
- EFTPOS facility will also be available on the day.
Children will bring their gifts home on Tuesday, where they can prepare and wrap them at home.
We need volunteers - Register now
If you’re available to support our Father’s Day events, please register your interest using the link below. We welcome parents and grandparents to support for these events.
Warm regards,
Matt Perry
President – RHAC P&F Association
[email protected]
P&F Working Bee - Saturday, 24 August - Volunteers urgently required
P&F Working Bee - Saturday, 24 August - Volunteers urgently required
We are seeking volunteer support for an upcoming P&F Worker Bee to help build out some new play space areas at the College for our children to enjoy.
We're seeking support primarily for manual labour and general workers (mostly hands-on). Specifically, we're also looking for carpenters or skilled trades and tools to support so please share along to anyone in the college community that might fit these criteria.
Please click on the link below to register or enquire.
As always, we truly appreciate the support of our College community, family and friends and these events just wouldn't be possible without you.
Thanks so much from the P&F Committee.
College Shop - change in trading hours, Thursday 22 August
College Shop - change in trading hours, Thursday 22 August
Please be advised that the College Shop will be open from 3:30pm - 5:30pm on Thursday, 22nd August (usual time 12:30pm - 5:30pm).
We apologise for any inconvenience. Please do not hesitate to contact the College Shop directly on 8814 3518 or [email protected] should you require any assistance.
Wear your favourite jersey on Jersey Day - Friday 30 August
Wear your favourite jersey on Jersey Day - Friday 30 August
Friday 30th August is Jersey Day where all Junior School (PreK-Year 6) and Senior School students (Years 7-12) are encouraged to wear their favourite jersey.
Students will be permitted to wear a sports jersey over the top of their full winter uniform. No other mufti is acceptable.
Jersey Day is all about raising awareness and beginning the conversation with your family and friends about the importance of becoming an organ and tissue donor. Jersey Day was inspired by the gift of life that Nathan Gremmo gave to six people when he became an organ donor at age 13.
You can read about Nathan's story and Jersey Day by visiting visit
P&F Spring Fair 2024 - Saturday, 9 November
P&F Spring Fair 2024 - Saturday, 9 November
The P&F Spring Fair 2024 will be held on Saturday, 9th November. Download the flyer below.
More information to follow regarding ticket sales. Make sure you follow RHAC's social media pages for updates.
Important Links & Resources
Parent and Carer Handbook
Parent and Carer Handbook
The RHAC Parent and Carer Handbook (link below) is designed to provide families with information about the daily operation of the school including:
- RHAC’s vision, values and approach to learning
- uniform and stationery requirements
- lost property
- a map of the College
- managing student absences
- student illness and well-being (e.g. caring for students who are sick at school, school counselling and reporting student success)
- extra-curricular opportunities
- technology
- communication - flowcharts are provided to assist parents in knowing who to contact, an explanation on how to make a complaint
- parent involvement and the work of the RHAC P&F
- policies and procedures
College Shop - Trading Hours, Uniform Fittings, Online Shop
College Shop - Trading Hours, Uniform Fittings, Online Shop
College Shop Hours (eff. 26/10/23)
Uniform fittings are by appointment only. Over-the-counter sales are available throughout.
For holiday hours (eg. term holidays, Easter, Christmas/New Year), please check for notices under College News of the newsletter.
2024 Trading Hours
Normal trading hours resume week commencing 05/02.
- Monday – Wednesday: 8:00am - 12:00pm
- Thursday – 12:30pm - 5:30pm
- Friday: CLOSED
College Shop Contact Details
[email protected]
8814 3518
The P&F exists to foster community, connection and contribution amongst College families, and the broader College community. We exist to generate a sense of community involvement amongst the College and to contribute back to the College through social activities, community events and fundraisers.
This is a big year for the P&F with our biennial Spring Fair. As the saying goes: many hands make light work. If you’ve been considering how you can get involved, this is your opportunity. All parents/carers are welcome to attend, regardless of your involvement in the committee.
This year, we're excited to announce the Spring Fair, a major fundraising event in the 2024 calendar. We welcome your support in planning and participating throughout the year as many hands make light work. Businesses interested in sponsorship or supplying goods or services are encouraged to reach out.
Family Support Meals
From time to time, fellow families at the College are hit by unforeseen stresses (physical, emotional, financial, etc.). The RHAC P&F, through your support, facilitates a way for those families to access quality meals in their time of need to simply ease a bit of the pain during difficult times.
You can help by donating a store-bought meal, or by donating as little as $10 by clicking the link below which would be greatly appreciated. If you can provide a store-bought meal for the freezer, slices / banana breads / muffins (lunch box fillers) and desserts are also most welcome and may be dropped off with Mrs Sharon D’Agostino at the College main reception.
Get Involved
To get involved in the P&F, contact us at the email below.
Warm regards,
Matt Perry
President – RHAC P&F Association
[email protected]
Senior School building development updates
Senior School building development updates
We will continue to provide monthly updates and progress photos on our website. You can also view the masterplan and general project information.
We invite you to watch a timelapse video (June 2023 to January 2024) on our website via the link below.
Community News
Newsletter community advertising
Newsletter community advertising
We are currently not accepting community advertising, with the exception of our Shrek the Musical JR sponsors.
If you are interested in becoming a Junior School musical sponsor, get in touch today [email protected]
[AD] Belmadar
[AD] Belmadar
A special thank you to our Shrek the Musical JR "Big, Bright, Beautiful World Sponsor", Belmadar.
Belmadar is currently constructing the Rouse Hill Anglican College Senior School Building, a groundbreaking project for the College. This three-storey facility will house state-of-the-art, future-proofed teaching spaces, including world-class science laboratories and workshops.
Download the flyer below for details.
[AD] RHAC P&F Association - 2 free tickets to Shrek
[AD] RHAC P&F Association - 2 free tickets to Shrek
A special thank you to our Shrek the Musical JR "Shrek Sponsor", RHAC Parent & Friends Association (P&F).
P&F are kindly donating two (2) complimentary tickets to the opening night performance (Thursday 29th August) to a family who perhaps may be facing financial difficulties or hardship and would like to spend an evening out with a family member/friend. If this is of interest, please email [email protected]
The Parents and Friends Association is committed to connecting with parents and the broader community to support staff in enhancing the students learning environment. Whilst fundraising is important to the RHAC P&F, it is not the only priority in joining together as a community, and equal time is given to both service and social events.
Elections are held each year for executive members of the association. Contact the RHAC Parents & Friends Association at [email protected]
Download the flyer below for details.
[AD] Northwest Physiotherapy
[AD] Northwest Physiotherapy
A special thank you to our Shrek the Musical JR "Shrek Sponsor", Northwest Physiotherapy
The practice has served the Hills District for over 30 years, and is centrally located in the Specialist Medical Centre, within The Hills Private Hospital on Windsor Road, Baulkham Hills. Northwest Physiotherapy have an intimate knowledge of the physiotherapy management and rehabilitation of patients with orthopaedic, sporting, TMJ, women’s health and spinal injuries.
Download the flyer below for details.
[AD] OzDesign Rouse Hill - up to 80% Off
[AD] OzDesign Rouse Hill - up to 80% Off
A special thank you to our Shrek the Musical JR "Shrek Sponsor", OzDesign Rouse Hill, Rouse Hill Business Park, 18 Mile End Road, Rouse Hill.
Download the flyer below for details.
[AD] Green Geotechnics
[AD] Green Geotechnics
A special thank you to our Shrek the Musical JR "Shrek Sponsor", Green Geotechnics.
Green Geotechnics is a geotechnical and drilling company providing geotechnical and geological engineering support, offering a comprehensive range of geotechnical services for all stages of development from initial feasibility through to investigation, design, construction and certification.
Download the flyer below for details.
[AD] Elegant Floors Australia Pty Ltd
[AD] Elegant Floors Australia Pty Ltd
A special thank you to our Shrek the Musical JR "Shrek Sponsor", Elegant Floors Australia Pty Ltd.
Here for all your flooring needs! Elegant Floors Australia specialises in all aspects of timber and hybrid flooring. With over 12 years of experience in the industry, Elegant Floors Australia has the knowledge and skills to ensure a professional finish.
Download the flyer below for details.
[AD] Sypher Space
[AD] Sypher Space
A special thank you to our Shrek the Musical JR "Shrek Sponsor", Sypher Space .
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) are essential subjects that are not only taught in school, but useful in life as well, no matter what field it is. The ability to understand and apply data to develop solutions for any complex problems are core academic disciplines adapted at Sypher Space.
Download the flyer below for details.
[AD] Grasshopper Soccer Sydney Hills - Special Offer for RHAC families!
[AD] Grasshopper Soccer Sydney Hills - Special Offer for RHAC families!
A special thank you to our Shrek the Musical JR "Shrek Sponsor", Grasshopper Soccer Sydney Hills.
Grasshopper Soccer is Australia's #1 non-competitive soccer provider for children 2-12 years old. Their goal is to teach kids how fun soccer can be, and aims to teach and develop soccer skills to children in a safe and enjoyable environment.
Contact Grasshopper Soccer today to book a free trial session or to enrol, call Nitin 0467 698 427 or click the links below to download the flyer, Term 3 timetable and to receive your special offer.
[AD] TKM Automotive Services Pty Ltd
[AD] TKM Automotive Services Pty Ltd
A special thank you to our Shrek the Musical JR "Shrek Sponsor", TKM Automotive Services Pty Ltd.
TKM Automotive Services has over 25 years experience across all vehicles within the industry. They pride themselves in working with their clients to ensure repairs are done when necessary, and keeping them safe on the road.
Download the flyer below for details.
[AD] Mathnasium Rouse Hill - Special offer, $100 off your first month
[AD] Mathnasium Rouse Hill - Special offer, $100 off your first month
A special thank you to our Shrek the Musical JR "Shrek Sponsor", Mathnasium Rouse Hill.
For decades the Mathnasium Method™ has transformed the way kids learn maths. They build a foundation for maths mastery through deep understanding by starting with what they already know, addressing any learning gaps, expanding their mathematical thinking, and adding new concepts in sequence. This proprietary method works for kids of all ages and skill levels.
Click on the link below to find out how you can receive $100 off your first month, plus a free assessment .